Grazing corn: everything you need to know

Grazing corn has been a hot topic in the alternative forage lineup over the last few years. It has proven itself as an excellent double cropping option in a higher rainfall region, or as a high yielding forage source for a single cut system in a limited rainfall region. It is most commonly used as a grazing crop, as there is no risk of prussic acid (unlike sorghum type forages) or as a chopping crop getting taken as wet feed.

Renovo has a special grazing corn variety that contains the BMR trait, so digestibility is maintained at a high level without sacrificing any tonnage. Similar to all grass type annual forages, quality is highest prior to tassel. It will reach a height of roughly 6 ft tall at tassel.

Renovo’s grazing corn is quick in maturity – it reaches black layer of grain production at only 84 days. It usually tassels at only 40-50 days after emergence under warm growing conditions with available moisture. This justifies its use as a double cropping option if the conditions allow.

Unlike most corn grown for grain or silage production, this grazing corn is not a hybrid. Being a pure line and non-hybridized helps minimize the risk of acidosis when grazing by keeping grain production lower. It also helps keep costs at an economic level.

Grazing corn has proven itself to be a viable alternative forage, and can find a place in many different scenarios. It certainly deserves consideration when reviewing your next chopping or grazing plan.

Call us at 605.627.1901 Or email to get your hands on some grazing corn.



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