Warm-Season Annual Forages
Cow Conditioner

CAD $2.49 lb

Warm-Season Annual Forages

Cow Conditioner

CAD $2.49 lb

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Sorghum-sudangrass is a warm-season annual grass developed as a hybrid cross between forage sorghum and sudangrass. It is commonly used as a versatile forage option for grazing, hay, or silage. Cow Conditioner displays rapid growth and can reach heights of 6-8’ tall at maturity. Unlike forage sorghum, sorghum-sudangrass hybrids will regrow the following harvest by cutting or grazing. Cow Conditioner is very drought tolerant and will grow well during the heat of the summer under limited moisture conditions. It is used throughout the U.S. and can be productive in northern climates that have a short growing season. It will do best on well-drained soil and does not tolerate flooding or standing water conditions. Cow Conditioner is a sorghum-sudangrass hybrid that displays the brown midrib gene. The BMR gene lowers lignin levels in the plant, which results in more digestible fiber and higher feed value in BMR varieties compared to non-BMR types.

Drilled Seeding Rate | 15-20 lbs/acre

Product Guide


  • Planting Time: Late Spring – Early Summer
    • Sorghum Sudangrass needs a minimum soil temperature of 60 degrees to germinate.
  • Drilled Seeding Rate: 15-20 lbs/acre
    • Higher seeding rates will produce forage that is finer stemmed and easily cured for hay. Lighter rates will produce lower populations of more coarse stemmed plants most suitable for chopping or grazing.
  • Ideal Seed Depth: ¾” – 1”