Annual Forage & Cover Crop Blends
Double Down Blend

CAD $2.05 lb

Annual Forage & Cover Crop Blends

Double Down Blend

CAD $2.05 lb

Total Price:

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The Double Down Regen Blend is a versatile two year bi-annual grazing, silage, or swath grazing crop. It is designed to stand up to a wider range of moisture conditions across the prairies. In the first year it can be sown early spring and grazed or utilized as green feed, silage or swath grazing and then grazed in the fall/early winter. As the Sweet Clover, Winter Triticale and Red Clover come back in the spring of year two it can be utilized as an early grazing or silage option.

Seeding Rate | 30-40 lbs/acre (add in 10+ lbs of spring cereal to increase early grazing production)

Mix Ratios

Mix Ratios

Winter Trit 66%
YB Sweet Clover 10%
Forage Rape 10%
Red Clover 7%
Hairy Vetch 5%
Chicory 2%
These amounts are based on percentage of full seeding rate.