Annual Forage & Cover Crop Blends
Dryland Blend

CAD $2.99 lb

Annual Forage & Cover Crop Blends

Dryland Blend

CAD $2.99 lb

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The Dryland Blend is designed with a higher percentage of warm-season forages and drought tolerant forage rape that is well adapted for hot, dry areas and can be used for multiple summer grazing or stockpiled for forage. Biodiversity gives varied species expression as climate and nutrient availability impact results every year.

Seeding Rate | 10-12 lbs/acre (option to include 20-30 lbs of cereal and 10+ lbs of forage peas)

Mix Ratios

Mix Ratios

Sorghum Sudan 30%
Pearl Millet 30%
Hairy Vetch 15%
Barkant Turnip 10%
Forage Rape 10%
Sunflower 5%
These amounts are based on percentage of full seeding rate.

Product Guide

Management Considerations

  • Warm seasons don’t do well when seeded early with low soil temperatures and a frost risk. A minimum soil temperature of 15°C is recommended at time of seeding.
  • It is best to wait to graze until the sorghum-sudangrass is at least 18″–20″ tall to start grazing to avoid any prussic acid issues
  • Avoid grazing for 5-7 days following a killing frost for nitrate considerations. The entire mix is then safe to graze for the remainder of the fall and winter.
  • The hairy vetch may see some winter survivability pending circumstance.