Cool-Season Annual Forages
Forage Barley

CAD $0.37 lb

Cool-Season Annual Forages

Forage Barley

CAD $0.37 lb

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Forage Barley is a beardless spring barley developed as a forage. It is a cool-season annual small grain commonly planted as hay or a silage crop. Forage barley will be taller and leafier than other barley varieties and will exhibit a beardless seedhead. Forage barley is quick maturing and will be ready to cut earlier than other small grain forages planted at the same time. For this reason, forage barley works excellent in double cropping scenarios. Forage barley produces fine-stemmed hay that will cure easily and be highly palatable to all classes of livestock. Forage barley is drought tolerant and displays high tolerance to saline or alkali soils.

Product Guide


  • Planting Time: Early Spring
    • Barley can tolerate any light frost that may occur after planting.
  • Drilled Seeding Rate: 90-100 lbs
  • Ideal Seeding Depth: 1.5″-2″