Annual Forage & Cover Crop Blends
Green Feed Relay

CAD $2.99 lb

Annual Forage & Cover Crop Blends

Green Feed Relay

CAD $2.99 lb

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This relay blend is designed to increase the quality of green feed/silage. The addition of hairy vetch provides a legume component, fixing nitrogen in the soil. Weather permitting, it can be grazed post-harvest. In order to speed up the dry down time when laying in a swath, no brassicas have been added to this blend. This will perform optimally under irrigation or high moisture areas.

Seeding Rate | 12-15 lbs/acre (add 50 lbs cereal)

Mix Ratios

Mix Ratios

Italian Ryegrass 40%
Annual Ryegrass 30%
Hairy Vetch 30%
These amounts are based on percentage of full seeding rate.