Warm-Season Annual Forages
Japanese Millet

CAD $1.75 lb

Warm-Season Annual Forages

Japanese Millet

CAD $1.75 lb


50 lb bag

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Japanese Millet is a warm-season annual grass commonly grown for forage. It grows up to 5’ tall and has a slightly coarser stem than other hay millets. It is extremely quick growing and can be ready to cut for hay within 50 days of planting. It also displays good regrowth persistence in a multi-cut haying or grazing scenario. Japanese millet can be easily cured for hay and will have forage quality similar to other millet or small grain hay. It has much better tolerance to flooding than other summer annual forages and can grow in heavy, wet soils. Japanese Millet also has a higher level of saline tolerance than other millets.

Drilled Seeding Rate | 20-25 lbs/acre

Product Guide


  • Planting Time: Late Spring – Mid Summer
    • Millet needs a minimum soil temperature of 60 degrees to germinate.
  • Drilled Seeding Rate: 20-25 lbs/acre
  • Ideal Seed Depth: 1/2” – ¾”
    • Millet can also be broadcasted and rolled or packed to gain seed to soil contact.