HLR Orchardgrass
CAD $4.55 lb
Package | 25 lb bag |
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High leaf ratio orchardgrass has been selected for a high leaf to stem ratio. This means more leaves for improved digestibility and energy, and less stems that reduce the feed quality and palatability of the forage. New diseases keep appearing in orchard grass stands, but HLR Orchardgrass is tolerant to rust and other leaf diseases. The intermediate to late heading varieties in HLR are ideal for planting with alfalfa. HLR Orchardgrass is effective in grazing and haying situations. Given its late maturity and excellent winter-hardiness, it is an ideal companion for alfalfa.
Product Guide
Management Considerations
Orchardgrass is categorized as a bunch grass. Careful stand management during the first year is essential for long-term productivity. Orchardgrass grows and spreads laterally by creating new shoots called tillers which emanate from the base of the plant forming an ever-wider bunch. To enable the production of a leafy dense stand, the height of the stand during the first year should ideally be maintained in the 4-12 inch range. This allows full sunlight penetration to the plant base which triggers production of the tillers needed for maximum plant growth and spread.