Perennial Forages
Salinity Buster Blend

CAD $4.99 lb

Perennial Forages

Salinity Buster Blend

CAD $4.99 lb


55 lb bag

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A perennial grass/legume mix to establish, stabilize, and improve the production potential of a saline area. Seed in excess of 50-200 feet around the most saline affected area to regenerate soil. Seeding options vary, and timing can be late fall when soils at seeding depth are 2 degrees Celsius, or in spring after the area has dried up, preferably immediately following a rainfall event.

Seeding Rate | 15-25 lbs/acre

Mix Ratios

Mix Ratios

Slender Wheatgrass 21%
STF43 Tall Fescue 20%
SW4618S Alfalfa 15%
Western Wheatgrass 8%
Tall Wheatgrass 8%
Rancher Alfalfa 7%
Intermediate Wheatgrass 7%
Alsike Clover 5%
YB Sweet Clover 5%
Birdsfoot Trefoil 4%
These amounts are based on percentage of full seeding rate.

Product Guide

Management Considerations

To attempt to regenerate these areas, seed in excess of 50-200 feet, around the most affected area.