Perennial Forages
Stockmaster Dryland Blend

CAD $5.50 lb

Perennial Forages

Stockmaster Dryland Blend

CAD $5.50 lb


55 lb bag

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Stockmaster Dyrland Blend contains the toughest of the dryland grasses and legumes to best perform in the low rainfall areas across western Canada. The mix protects pastures against drought with the latest varieties of forages selected for germination, establishment, synergy, and growth under low rainfall. Use this mix to restore your grazing land to its greatest potential with rotational grazing management practices.

Drilled Seeding Rate | 15-20 lbs/acre

Mix Ratios

Mix Ratios

AAC Glenview Sainfoin 33%
Stockade Alfalfa 21%
Armory Tall Fescue 12%
Arsenal Meadow Brome 10%
Pryor Slender Wheatgrass 10%
Artillery Smooth Brome 8%
Cicer Milkvetch 6%