Annual Forage & Cover Crop Blends
Swath Grazing Blend

CAD $5.55 lb

Annual Forage & Cover Crop Blends

Swath Grazing Blend

CAD $5.55 lb

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Our swath grazing blend is designed to be an additive to a producers own cereal swath grazing. The blend is created to increase protein, energy levels, and digestibility, all while allowing the producer to graze more animals and produce more lbs/acre. When managed with break fencing, it ensures a good swath clean up. The root system left behind adds more organic matter for the soil.

Seeding Rate | 5-7 lbs/acre (add 30-40 lbs of cereal and 10+ lbs of forage peas)

Mix Ratios

Mix Ratios

Goliath Forage Rape 35%
Hunter Leafy Turnip 35%
Green Globe Turnip 30%
These amounts are based on percentage of full seeding rate.

Product Guide

Management Considerations

  • Avoid planting brassicas in high sulphur soils. Brassicas will store the sulphur into their cells, then when grazed can cause Bovine Polio.
  • Agronomically, be sure to rotate brassica plantings to avoid disease. Flea beetles can be a pest of a forage brassica. Watch for damage in the first 3-4 weeks after planting. A pesticide may be required to prevent crop damage.