
Hydromulch is often used as an erosion control technique on construction sites as an alternative to dry mulches. Seed and fertilizer can be added to the slurry to hyrdoseed areas that may not be accessible to traditional seeding equipment.
Made from whole fibers, it is mixed in a large tank with water, seed and fertilizer, then sprayed onto the soil. It’s long fibers cling to the soil, forming a web-like network that holds the soil and seed in place. It then deflects wind and rain and retains moisture to aid in the germination process.
Product Overview
- Mat-Fiber Spec Sheet
- Mat-Fiber is a 100% wood fiber hydraulic planting mulch. It’s long fibers interlock and clings to the soil, forming a protective web-like network that holds seeds in place. The result is faster, uniform growth, using the least amount of material.
- Mat-Fiber Plus Spec Sheet
- Made from whole wood fibers and contains a 3% high-grade organic tackifier. The addition of this organic tackifier provides increased erosion control because the fibers are more strongly bonded to the seed, soil, and each other. It also increases the slurry lubricity to keep it in place.
- Spray Guard Spec Sheet
- A Stabilized Mulch Matrix (SMM) for use on any type of soil with moderate slopes. This non-toxic formulation aids plant development and prevents erosion.
- Soil Guard Spec Sheet
- A hydraulically applied Bonded Fiber Matrix conforms to the ground as it’s dried to hold soil and seed in place. As seed starts to grow, Soil Guard will decompose.
- Flex Guard Spec Sheet
- Flex Guard is a Fiber-Reinforced Matrix* (FRM) hydromulch engineered with pasteurized wood fibers, dispersible synthetic fibers, and exclusive soil-bonding agents for immediate and effective erosion protection on challenging terrain even during hard rains.
Tackifier + Soil Stabilizer
- Spec Tack Spec Sheet
- A soil stabilizer that can be used alone or in combination with mulches to reduce the erodibility of soils and improve the establishment of vegetation and act as a visible tracer.
- PAM-12 Spec Sheet
- ENCAP’s PAM-12® Plus is a temporary soil stabilizer that can be used to reduce the erodibility of soils and improve the establishment of vegetation. PAM-12® Plus is a versatile product that can be dry applied using broadcast spreaders or wet applied with hydro-seeding equipment.
- R Tack Spec Sheet
- R-Tack™ is a tackifier that is manufactured from psyllium or plantago husk powder. Plantago husk powder contains a naturally evolved mucilloid that is an effective adhesive when applied as a slurry with fiber mulch or as an overspray to bond straw fiber.