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Final Flush

Final Flush is an intelligent blend that provides a diverse, yearlong food source necessary for chick and adult pheasant survival. It also provides excellent winter habitat and hunting cover. Seeding Rate: 20 lbs/acre drilled or broadcast

Center Stage

Center Stage is a mixture of various clovers, grasses, forbs, herbs, and grains that provides excellent regrowth for 1-3 years. The combination of hearty grains and perennial broadleaves is a multi-benefit. From the green source in the spring months and...

Final Stand

Final Stand provides deer populations with a nutritious food source for fall and winter months. The easy to grow mix is a resilient "green" food source highly attractive late into the hunting season. Ready to hunt in 2-3 weeks, this...

Tree Belt Mix

Made of two native warm-season grasses and one native cool-season grass, MSI Tree Belt Mix is designed to provide cover between both newly planted and established tree rows. The mix will help prevent erosion, as well as provide wildlife cover...
MSI Tree Belt Seed Mix

Little Country Native Mix

This short native grass mix is predominantly warm-season grasses that will reach a height of 2-3 feet at full maturity. Little Country is a great option for providing wildlife cover that is easy to hunt, or can be used as...
Native Grass Seed for Sale - Little Country Native Mix

Big Country Native Mix

This predominantly warm-season grass mix will grow well in most soil conditions and will reach 4-6 feet tall at full maturity. The diversity of this mix creates the structure to provide visual appeal and wildlife habitat year-round. Big Country is...


SurvivorPlus is a top-performing blend of alfalfa varieties that brings diversity to ensure productivity in a wide range of seeding environments. SurvivorPlus is a high-yielding, economical alfalfa for livestock producers dealing with less than ideal growing conditions. It is also...
Alfalfa Grass Mix Seed for Sale


SalinityMax is a salt tolerant variety of alfalfa that was developed by selecting parent stock from saline seeps in the Dakotas. It expresses a degree of the branch root trait, which makes it more moisture tolerant than straight tap root...
Alfalfa Hay Seeds for Sale

The Stockman

The Stockman is a top performing Alfalfa/Grass mixture with huge popularity among hay and livestock producers. We blend our highest yielding alfalfa – Final Answer – with late maturing orchardgrass and endophyte free tall forage fescue. These two grasses offer...
Alfalfa Grass Mix Seed - The Stockman

Vernal Alfalfa

Vernal alfalfa is one of the original lines of alfalfa genetics that has been around for many years. It is very drought and winter hardy. Vernal is best used for hay production on dryland or in alfalfa/grass mixtures to be...

Final Answer

Extremely high yielding with great quality for stockmen, Final Answer offers a disease resistance package that is bulletproof against all major alfalfa pathogens as well as great winter hardiness. This makes Final Answer an excellent solution across a wide range...
Final Answer - Bulk Alfalfa Seed

Prime Cut

The yield leader in reduced lignin varieties of alfalfa, Prime Cut delivers outstanding RFQ and NDFd scores while maintaining its position as a winter hardy and top-yielding alfalfa. A solid disease resistance package ensures long-lasting productivity. The reduced lignin content...
Prime Cut Alfalfa Seed

Select Horse Pasture Mix

Our Select Horse Pasture Mix is a blend of highly palatable cool-season grasses that is well suited for horse pasture or hay production. These grasses can tolerate the close grazing habits of horses and will meet the nutritional needs of...

Nutrient Builder

Nutrient Builder is a very diverse blend developed to improve soil for next year's cash crop. This cover crop cocktail will help fix nitrogen, build organic matter, and alleviate compaction. Seven different species will also help increase the soil's microbial...
Summer Cover Crops - Nutrient Builder