Food Plot
Armor® Dove Pro 17


Food Plot

Armor® Dove Pro 17


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If you’re looking for an early maturity, shorter sunflower plant with excellent roots and standability, Armor Dove Pro 17 is for you. This sunflower excels at attracting early birds, performs consistently across all environments, produces good energy from higher oil content, and is very uniform with high grain yield potential. It has excellent drought tolerance and no major agronomic watch outs. Give it a try!

Seed Size: 2

Package Size: 25 lb bag (treated)

Product Guide

Agronomic Information

Days to Maturity 85
Height S
Oil Content 2
Drydown 1
Phomopsis NA
Sclerotinia NA
Stalk Strength 1
Drought Tolerance 1

ARMOR SEED is a registered trademark of Winfield Solutions, LLC. Because of factors outside of Winfield Solutions’ control, results to be obtained, including but not limited to yields, financial performance, profits, losses or otherwise, cannot be predicted or guaranteed by Winfield Solutions, LLC. The UNIQUE CLEARFIELD SYMBOL and CLEARFIELD are registered trademarks of BASF.