Armor® Dove Pro 55
$125.00 bag
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Planting a sunflower food plot and looking for a medium plant height, mid-maturity product that excels at attracting birds and other wildlife? If so, Dove Pro 55 is worth a try. This product has high stress tolerance for your toughest acres, is slower to drydown and has increased staygreen, which means it performs well in cooler environments, stands late into the season due it’s strong stalks and roots, and has top grain yield potential. The birds and wildlife won’t be able to stay away if you plant this product!
Seed Size: 4
Package Size: 10 lb bag (treated)
Product Guide
Agronomic Information
Days to Maturity | 94 |
Height | M |
Oil Content | 3 |
Drydown | 3 |
Phomopsis | 3 |
Sclerotinia | 2 |
Stalk Strength | 1 |
Drought Tolerance | 2 |
ARMOR SEED is a registered trademark of Winfield Solutions, LLC. Because of factors outside of Winfield Solutions’ control, results to be obtained, including but not limited to yields, financial performance, profits, losses or otherwise, cannot be predicted or guaranteed by Winfield Solutions, LLC. The UNIQUE CLEARFIELD SYMBOL and CLEARFIELD are registered trademarks of BASF.
- Seeding Rate:
- Row Planting: 20,000 seeds/acre (3 lbs/acre)
- Seeder: 25,000 seeds/acre (4 lbs/acre)
- Broadcasting: 30,000 seeds/acre (5 lbs/acre)
- Seed Depth:
- Row: 1.5″ – 2
- Broadcast/Drag: 1.5″
- Planting Dates: aim for soil temperatures above 50 degrees F at 2″ deep
- Zone 1: Mid May – June
- Zone 2: Mid April – May
- Zone 3: April – Early May
- Zone 4: Mid May – June
For best results, take soil samples about a month before planting – adjust fertility levels based on soil sample results.
- Pre-plant application: 200 lbs/ac of 25-5-25 fertilizer blend
- In-season application: 200 lbs/ac of 25-5-25 fertilizer blend
Weed Control
Armor Dove Pro seed products utilize the Clearfield® Production System trait, which is produced with conventional breeding for use with Beyond® herbicide to control post-emergent weeds.
This is a great option for no-till or minimum-till sunflower areas, or fields containing weeds that are hard to control with other herbicides.
- Burndown: Burndown with 22 oz Roundup PowerMAX® (0.77 acid equivalent glyphosate)/acre and disk prior to planting
- Pre-emerge at seeding: Burndown with 22 oz Roundup PowerMAX® (0.77 acid equivalent glyphosate)/acre after planting and prior to sunflower emergence
- Post-emerge: Apply 4 oz/acre Beyond® herbicide (Imazamox) when sunflowers reach 2-8 leaf stages – earlier in that window will provide better control than later