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ASPEN is a Hard White Winter Wheat variety with excellent yield potential and some of the best sprout tolerance among white-seeded varieties. This early-maturing wheat variety features excellent tolerance to Soil-Borne Mosaic and Powdery Mildew and very good tolerance to Yellow (Stripe) Rust. Its other benefits include excellent standability and tillering potential.
• Excellent Yield Potential
• Excellent Standability
• Very Good Yellow (Stripe) Rust Tolerance
• Good Sprout Tolerance
• CROP SYSTEM: irrigated or dryland acres
Call 308.251.6884 to book this variety.
Product Guide
- Yield Potential: 1
- Test Weight: 3
- Standability: 1
- Plant Height: Medium-Short
- Winter Hardiness: 3
- Tillering Potential: 2
- Test Weight: 3
- Standability: 1
- Protein Content: 5
- Milling/Baking Quality: 4
Rating Scale: 1-2 = Excellent, 3-4 = Very Good, 5-6 = Good, 7-8 = Fair, 9 = Poor
Pest & Disease Resistance
- Yellow Stripe Rust: 3
- Barley Yellow Dwarf: 7
- Hessian Fly: 9
- Leaf Rust: 4
- Powdery Mildew: 2
- Septoria Leaf Blotch: 5
- Soil-Borne Mosaic: 1
- Tan Spot: 5
- Wheat Streak Mosaic: 6
Rating Scale: 1-2 = Excellent, 3-4 = Very Good, 5-6 = Good, 7-8 = Fair, 9 = Poor
- Herbicide Tolerance: N/A
- Maturity Group: Early
- Planting Rate: Medium
- Head Type: Awned
- Plant Variety Protection: Yes
- Limited Use License Agreement Required: No
- Cop System: IR, DR
- Patent Protection: No