Native Mixes
Big Country Native Mix

$110.00 acre

Native Mixes

Big Country Native Mix

$110.00 acre


15 lb bag

Total Price:

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This predominantly warm-season grass mix will grow well in most soil conditions and will reach 4-6 feet tall at full maturity. The diversity of this mix creates the structure to provide visual appeal and wildlife habitat year-round. Big Country is an excellent choice for all native grassland applications although it does not meet the requirements of most conservation programs.

Available in 15 lb. bags.

Seeding Rate | 15 lbs/acre
Seeds per sq. ft.: 45.7

If broadcasting seed, multiply the seeding rate times 1.5.
If used in a commercial application, multiply the seeding rate times 2.

Mix Ratios

Mix Ratios

Switchgrass 43%
Big Bluestem 21%
Indiangrass 19%
Sideoats Grama 10%
Slender Wheatgrass 4%
Canada Wildrye 3%
These amounts are based on percentage of full seeding rate.

Product Guide


Drilled Seeding: Rate 15 lbs/acre
Seeds per sq.ft: 45.7
Planting Depth: 1/4″

If broadcasting seed, multiply the seeding rate times 1.5.
If used in a commercial application, multiply the seeding rate times 2.


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