Native Mixes
Birds & Bees Native Wildflower Mix


Native Mixes

Birds & Bees Native Wildflower Mix


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Get season-long bloom to attract pollinators to this native wildflower mix. It has tons of diversity, which leads to a variety of colors and growth habits, making it a fit for many acres and scenarios.

Mix Ratios

Mix Ratios

Black-Eyed Susan 11%
Plains Coreopsis 9%
Evening Primrose 8%
Prairie Coneflower 7%
Western Yarrow 7%
Lance-Leaved Coreopsis 5%
Prairie Cinquefoil 5%
Slender Penstemon 5%
Wild Bergamot 5%
Grayhead Coneflower 3%
Blue Flax 3%
Culver's Root 3%
Hoary Vervain 3%
Purple Prairie Coneflower 3%
Other 23%
These amounts are based on percentage of full seeding rate.

Product Guide


  • Seeding depth: 1/4 – 1/2 inches
  • Drilled seeding rate: 5 lbs/acre
  • Broadcast seeding rate: 8-10 lbs/acre