Hay & Pasture

$6.00 lb

Hay & Pasture


$6.00 lb


50 lb bag

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Boost is your go-to-the-pasture blend when desiring and over-seeding mix that will increase yield and quality in your existing stand. It is an excellent choice for frost-seeding when broadcasting, as well as drilling into a suppressed stand of grass. If you desire a lusher, healthier pasture and want to build your own nitrogen on your land, give it a Boost!

Seeding Rate | 10 lbs/acre

Mix Ratios

Mix Ratios

Medium Red Clover 40%
Creeping Root Alfalfa 25%
Ladino White Clover 15%
Falcata Yellow Blossom Alfalfa 10%
Alsike Clover 10%

Product Guide


  • If broadcast seeding is your only planting option, frost seed Boost over your pasture in early winter or early spring when the ground isn’t completely frozen (and ideally before a snow).
  • Planting with a drill is highly recommended in early spring
  • Drilled Seeding Depth: 1/4-1/2 inch deep