Food Plot
Center Stage

$65.00 bag

Food Plot

Center Stage

$65.00 bag


15 lb bag

Total Price:

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Center Stage is a mixture of various clovers, grasses, forbs, herbs, and grains that provides excellent regrowth for 1-3 years. The combination of hearty grains and perennial broadleaves is a multi-benefit. From the green source in the spring months and a food source in the summer and fall months, Center Stage provides excellent year-long forage for deer, turkeys, and other wildlife.

Proven Ingredients: Forage Chicory, Select Ladino Clover, Select White Dutch Clover, Berseem Clover, Crimson Clover, Drought-Tolerant Alfalfa, Plantain, Sainfoin, Falcata Alfalfa, Small Burnet, Winter Wheat and Oats

Seeding Rate | 30 lbs/acre drilled or broadcast

Product Guide


  • Protein Content: Up to 32% protein
  • Seeding Rate: 30 lbs/acre
  • Seeding Depth: ¼” – ½”
  • Plant into a clean, firm seedbed when both drilling or broadcasting.
  • Package: 15 lb bags
  • Planting Zones:
    • Zone 1: Spring, Late Summer
    • Zone 2: Spring, Late Summer
    • Zone 3: Early Spring, Fall
    • Zone 4: Not recommended

Food Plot Power™ Tip

Sometimes the best food plots are smaller, more secluded. If you allow yourself to shoot to all corners of the plot, you will have more success.