Food Plot

$3.75 lb

Food Plot


$3.75 lb

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Chufa is a popular food plot choice, specifically for turkeys. It is classified as an annual nut sedge that is a legume that forms large edible underground tubers or nuts. The nuts are sought after by scratching turkeys, making it an ideal species for food and hunting plots.

Seeding Rate | 50 lbs/acre

Product Guide


  • Seeding Rate: 50 lbs/acre (when soil temperatures are above 60 degrees F)
  • Seeding Depth: 1″ deep
  • Plant into a clean, firm seed bed when drilling or broadcasting.
  • Package: 50 lb bag
  • Planting Zones:
    • Zone 1: Early Summer
    • Zone 2: Late Spring
    • Zone 3: Early Spring
    • Zone 4: Early Summer