Individual Species
Clearfield Sunflower

$205.00 bag

Individual Species

Clearfield Sunflower

$205.00 bag

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Clearfield Sunflowers are a hybrid sunflower that allows further chemical control post-seeding. They allow game managers to use both common pre-emergent herbicides, as well as Beyond herbicide following seeding. Clearfield Sunflowers are commonly used as a dove attractant and can be drilled or broadcasted. Plant into a clean, firm seedbed.

Seeding Rate | 25,000 seeds/acre
300,000 seeds/bag ≈ 12 acres/bag

*Seller will determine packaging*

Product Guide


  • Seeding Rate: 25,000 seeds/acre
  • Seed Depth: 1” – 1 ½” deep
  • Plant into a clean, firm seedbed when both drilling or broadcasting
  • Planting Zones: Same as Primal Soybean
    • Zone 1: Late Spring, Early Summer (Soil temps > 60°)
    • Zone 2: Late Spring, Early Summer (Soil temps > 60°)
    • Zone 3: Late Spring, Early Summer (Soil temps > 60°)
    • Zone 4: Not Recommended