$100.00 bag
Package | 25 lb bag |
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Cornerpost is a diverse blend of grasses and legumes, with the best quality genetics of each species. This mix works well for haying or grazing. Cornerpost is formulated to provide persistent growth for multiple cuttings of beautiful hay or rotationally grazed paddocks. Plant it to get quality feed for quality livestock.
Mix Ratios
Mix Ratios
Premium Orchardgrass | 20% | |
Premium Tall Forage Fescue | 20% | |
Premium Timothy | 15% | |
Premium Perennial Ryegrass | 10% | |
Meadow Fescue | 10% | |
Meadow Brome | 10% | |
Medium Red Clover | 5% | |
Ladino Clover | 5% | |
Alsike Clover | 5% |
Product Guide
- Seeding Rate: 25lbs/acre
- Seeding Depth: 1/4 – 1/2 inches deep
Prior to planting, start with a weed free seed bed. After you have planted Cornerpost, there isn’t a broad-spectrum herbicide option. Spot spraying is the best method to control invasive broad-leaf weeds, but will also kill the clover that were planted in the mix.
- Nurse Crops: Spring Seeded grass can be planted with a small grain nurse crop such as oats, barley, or spring triticale. Use 1/3-1/2 seeding rates of the nurse crop to avoid over competing with new seedlings.
- New pasture seedings should not be grazed until the plants have reached the reproductive stage by putting on seed heads. This will ensure the plants are rooted deep and healthy. Do not graze lower than 4 inches and allow for 6-8 inches of growth in the fall to prevent winter injury.
- Cutting the newly seeded grass stand for hay about 75 days after planting will help control weeds prevent them from choking out your grass. Do not cut your hay stand lower than 4 inches.
Multiple Regions
Every acre is different and our goal is to help you know what works best in your area. This 'Growing Regions' section showcases where this species works best. If you have any questions on product placement, feel free to contact our experts and we will help!