Hay & Pasture Mixes

$100.00 bag

Hay & Pasture Mixes


$100.00 bag


25 lb bag

Total Price:

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Cornerpost is a diverse blend of grasses and legumes, with the best quality genetics of each species. This mix works well for haying or grazing. Cornerpost is formulated to provide persistent growth for multiple cuttings of beautiful hay or rotationally grazed paddocks. Plant it to get quality feed for quality livestock.

Mix Ratios

Mix Ratios

Premium Orchardgrass 20%
Premium Tall Forage Fescue 20%
Premium Timothy 15%
Premium Perennial Ryegrass 10%
Meadow Fescue 10%
Meadow Brome 10%
Medium Red Clover 5%
Ladino Clover 5%
Alsike Clover 5%

Product Guide


  • Seeding Rate: 25lbs/acre
  • Seeding Depth: 1/4 – 1/2 inches deep