Creeping Alfalfa
$4.50 lb
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Creeping alfalfa expresses a creeping root .rather than a taproot like other alfalfas. This makes it an excellent fit in new pasture seedings with grass, or as a reliable legume to interseed into the existing pasture. Creeping alfalfas are tolerant to grazing and have a high level of winterhardiness as well as drought tolerance.
Full Seeding Rate – 15 lbs/acre
Interseeding into existing grass – 3-5 lbs/acre
*Seller will determine packaging*
Product Guide
Select a topic:
- Planting Time: Spring, Late Summer/Early Fall, or frost seeding
- Seeding Rate:
- Full Seeding Rate – 15 lbs./acre
- Interseeding into existing grass – 3-5 lbs./acre
- Ideal Seed Depth: ½”
Multiple Regions
Every acre is different and our goal is to help you know what works best in your area. This 'Growing Regions' section showcases where this species works best. If you have any questions on product placement, feel free to contact our experts and we will help!