Food Plot
ElkRidge Greens

$65.00 bag

Food Plot

ElkRidge Greens

$65.00 bag


50 lb bag

Total Price:

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ElkRidge Greens was designed with a high producing, high protein food source in mind. The mix of cool-season grains and brassicas makes it an excellent choice when both year-round and late-season forage production is desired.

Proven Ingredients: New Zealand Brassicas, Forage Collards, Rape, Forage Turnips, Forage Winter Wheat, Forage Barley and Forage Oats

Seeding Rate | 40 lbs/acre drilled  |  60 lbs/acre broadcast

Product Guide


  • Seeding Rate: 40 lbs/acre drilled  |  60 lbs/acre broadcast
  • Seeding Depth: ¼” – ½”
  • Plant into a clean, firm seedbed when both drilling or broadcasting.
  • Package: 40 lb bags
  • Planting Zones:
    • Zone 1: Late Summer
    • Zone 2: Late Summer, Early Fall
    • Zone 3: Fall
    • Zone 4: Early Summer
      *Plant at least 50 days before the typical first frost.

Food Plot Power™ Tip

Designed to be a green food source in Western climates where moisture is limited, consider planting ElkRidge Greens following a cane or millet crop from the previous year. The standing vegetation will capture and conserve moisture, allowing for a quicker and more even establishment.