Final Flush

$85.00 bag

Final Flush is an intelligent blend that provides a diverse, yearlong food source necessary for chick and adult pheasant survival. It also provides excellent winter habitat and hunting cover.

Seeding Rate: 20 lbs/acre drilled or broadcast

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Product Guide


  • Ingredients: Longtail Delightâ„¢ (White Milo), Pheasant Pheastâ„¢ (Red Milo), Oats, Sunflower, White Proso Millet, Buckwheat, Forage Sorghum, Mustard, Flax, Phacelia, Crimson Clover, Sunn Hemp
  • Height: Ranges 2′ – 7′
  • Maturity: 70 – 80 Days
  • Planting Time: Mid-Late Spring
  • Seeding Rate: 20 lbs/acre drilled or broadcast
  • Seeding Depth: ½”
  • Package: 20lb or 50lb bags
  • Plant into a clean, firm seedbed when both drilling or broadcasting

Food Plot Power™ Tip

Due to its diversity of species, Final Flushâ„¢ is limited in post-emergent chemical options. You'll want to rotate into a chemical tolerant mix like Double Barrelâ„¢ to control your weed bank over the years.

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