Food Plot
Final Stand

$50.00 bag

Food Plot

Final Stand

$50.00 bag


50 lb bag

Total Price:

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Final Stand provides deer populations with a nutritious food source for fall and winter months. The easy to grow mix is a resilient “green” food source highly attractive late into the hunting season. Ready to hunt in 2-3 weeks, this deadly archery blend is able to withstand browsing pressure.

Proven Ingredients: Forage Winter Wheat, Winter Triticale, Rye Grain, Forage Oats and Winter Peas

Seeding Rate | 100 lbs/acre drilled or broadcast

Product Guide


  • Protein Content: Up to 18% protein
  • Seeding Rate: 100 lbs/acre drilled or broadcast
  • Seeding Depth: ½”–1″ deep
  • Durability: Rye grain and forage winter wheat boost cold tolerance
  • Package: 50 lb bag
  • Plant into a clean, firm seedbed when both drilling or broadcasting
  • Planting Zones:
    • Zone 1: Late Summer, Early Fall
    • Zone 2: Late Summer, Early Fall
    • Zone 3: Fall
    • Zone 4: Not Recommended

*Plant at least 50 days before the typical first frost

Food Plot Power™ Tip

Mix with Green Beast to create a longer attraction and food source for your deer herd.