MTF 1435 (Forage Winter Wheat)

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MTF 1435 is a tall, awnless hard red winter wheat cultivator developed for forage and grain production. MTF 1435 was bred as a dual-purpose hybrid for superior forage quality and yield in comparison to other winter annual small grains. It is a medium-late variety of winter wheat, which results in an extended period of vegetative growth in the spring that is correlated with higher forage quality. Forage Winter Wheat has good winter hardiness and can be used in northern climates that experience harsh winter temperatures. It is also relatively drought tolerant and can be used in dryland applications or on lighter soils. It performs best in well-drained to moderately drained soils as extended periods of standing water can result in winterkill. MTF 1435 works best in northern climates with harsh winters. It is available for sale in SD, ND, NE, MN, & IA.

Seeding Rate: 80-100 lbs/acre

Call 605.627.1901 for details and to order this variety.

Product Guide


  • Planting Time: Mid – Late Fall
  • Seeding Rate: 80-100 lbs/acre
  • Drilled Seeding Depth: 1” – 1.5”
  • Winter wheat should be planted in the fall when conditions will allow it to germinate before entering a dormant winter period in which it will vernalize.

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