Hay & Pasture Mixes
Grass Max

$4.00 lb

Hay & Pasture Mixes

Grass Max

$4.00 lb


25 lb bag

Total Price:

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Grass Max is the most versatile grass blend on the market! It is an easy establishing mix of high yielding, high quality, persistent perennials that will grow in various soil types. If you are seeding down a grass hay field, planting a pasture, or have an area out back that needs grass, Grass Max can do it all.

Seed Rate: 25 lbs/acre

Mix Ratios

Mix Ratios

Early Maturing Orchardgrass 30%
Timothy 30%
Forage Perennial Ryegrass 20%
Meadow Brome 10%
Smooth Brome 10%

Product Guide


  • Planting Time:
    • Early Spring: after hard freezing conditions have ended.
    • Fall: allow 3-4 weeks of growth before the first killing frost.
    • Dormant: mid-late fall when temperatures are cold enough that seed will not germinate until the following spring. Soil temperature of 50 degrees or less.
  • Seeding Rate: 25 lbs/acre
  • Ideal Seed Depth: ¼” – ½”
    • Seed should be drilled into a firm seedbed or broadcasted and packed