Annual Forages


Annual Forages



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This forage mix makes baleage that’s “thicker than snot”, as our trial growers say. It produces immense tonnage for bales, or you can hay it or graze it, too. This eight-species combination of millets, peas, barley, mung beans, and brassicas will give you season-long growth for multiple harvests and produce high quality TMR from one field.

  • Versatile baleage, haylage, and grazing mix
  • Season long growth for multiple harvests
  • High quality TMR from one field

Mix Ratios

Mix Ratios

Pearl Millet 20%
Forage Peas 10%
Cow Peas 10%
Mung Beans 10%
Forage Barley 10%
German Millet 10%
Hunter Brassica 10%
Winfred Brassica 10%
These amounts are based on percentage of full seeding rate.

Product Guide


  • Package Size: 50 lbs, 2000lbs
  • Planting time: Late Spring/Early Summer
  • Seeding Rate: 40 lbs/acre
  • Seeding Depth: ¾ inch
  • Yield Potential: 3-8 ton Dry Matter Per Acre