Food Plot
Over Under

$90.00 bag

Food Plot

Over Under

$90.00 bag

Total Price:

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Over Under was designed to enhance our standard sorghum food plots by increasing the height structure of the mix. This mix is excellent for hunters and can provide more diversity and winter cover than your conventional sorghum planting.

Seeding Rate | 8 lbs/acre drilled | 12 lbs/acre broadcasted

Product Guide


  • Ingredients: Longtail Delight (White Milo), Pheasant Pheast, and Forage Sorghum
  • Height: Ranges 3.5′ to 7′
  • Maturity: 70-95 days
  • Safened for improved weed control
  • Plant Date: Late Spring – soil temps > 60°
  • Seeding Rate: 8 lbs/acre drilled | 12 lbs/acre broadcast
  • Seed Depth: 1/2″ deep
  • Package: 50 lb bags

Food Plot Power™ Tip

Seed Over Under at the end of your food plots to help keep your birds from running out the end. With the taller structure, birds are more likely to fly straight up, allowing for a safer shooting experience for both walkers and blockers.