Paramount-RR (Roundup Ready® Alfalfa)
$9.50 lb
Package | 50 lb bag |
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Paramount is a high forage yielding, excellent quality, Roundup Ready® alfalfa. It has a solid pest resistance package and salt tolerance to protect in a wide range of growing conditions. The Roundup Ready technology provides a wide range of weed control options to deliver weed free forage.
Seeding Rate | 15-20 lbs/acre
Product Guide
Select a topic:
Fall Dormancy | 4.5 | Aphanomyces Root Rot (R1) | HR |
Winter Survival | 1.2 | Aphanomyces Root Rot (R2) | HR |
Yield Level | 10 | Anthracnose (R1) | HR |
Forage Quality | Very Good | Bacterial Wilt | HR |
Root Type | Tap | Fusarium Wilt | HR |
DRI | 35/35 | Phytophthora Root Rot | HR |
Recovery After Cutting | Very Fast | Verticillium Wilt | HR |
Salt Tolerance | Germination | Stem Nematode | R |
Multi-foliate Expression | High | Pea Aphid | HR |
- Planting Time:
- Early Spring: After hard freezing conditions have ended
- Late Summer/Early Fall: Allow 4-6 weeks of growth before the first hard frost
- Seeding Rate: 15-20 lbs/acre
- Ideal Seed Depth: ½”
- Alfalfa should be drilled into a firm seedbed or broadcasted and packed.
- Alfalfa requires 12 lbs of P2O5, 49 lbs of K2O, and 5.4 lbs of S per ton of forage.
- Make fertilizer applications based on expected yield and soil fertility levels.
- If soil fertility levels are low, applying 25-30 lbs/acre of nitrogen at planting will help increase stand establishment.
- Do not exceed a total of 10 lbs/acre of N+K if fertilizer is placed in-furrow at planting.
Weed Control
Plant into a clean, weed-free seedbed and use the herbicide options below for optimal weed control:
Timing | Herbicide | Rate | Notes | Weeds Controlled | Control Method |
Preplant Inc. or Preemergence | Eptam 7E (EPTC) | 2.25-4.50 pts/a | Apply and incorporate 2-3″ immediately after application and plant shortly after | Grasses & Broadleaves | Residual |
Glyphosate | 1 qt/a | Apply any time before crop emergence | Grasses & Broadleaves | Contact | |
Postemergence (seedling) | Butyrac 200 (2,4-DB) | 1-3 qts/a | Apply before weed heights exceed 3″ | Broadleaves | Contact |
Pursuit (Imazethapyr) | 3-6 oz/a | Apply when seedling alfalfa is in the second trifoliate stage or larger | Broadleaves | Contact | |
Poast (Sethoxydim) | 0.75-2.0 pts/a | Apply before weeds exceed 8″ in height | Grasses | Contact | |
Select Max (Clethodim) | 9-16 oz/a | Apply before weeds exceed 8″ in height | Grasses | Contact | |
Prowl H2O (Pendimethalin) | 1.1-2.1 pts/a | Apply after the 2nd trifoliate growth stage, but before the crop reaches 6″ in height | Grasses & Broadleaves | Residual | |
Broclean (Bromoxynil) | 1.0-1.5 pts/a | Apply when alfalfa has a minimum of 4 fully developed trifoliates | Broadleaves | Contact | |
Makaze (Glyphosate) | 1-2 qts/a | Applications can be made any time up to 5 days before a cutting. Refer to the label for further instructions. | Grasses & Broadleaves | Contact | |
Postemergence (established) | Butyrac 200 (2,4-DB) | 1-3 qts/a | Apply before weed heights exceed 3″ | Broadleaves | Contact |
Pursuit (Imazethapyr) | 3-6 oz/a | Apply immediately after a cutting before excessive regrowth begins | Broadleaves | Contact | |
Poast (Sethoxydim) | 0.75-2.0 pts/a | Apply before weeds exceed 8″ in height | Grasses | Contact | |
Select Max (Clethodim) | 9-16 oz/a | Apply before weeds exceed 8″ in height | Grasses | Contact | |
Prowl H2O (Pendimethalin) | 1.1-4.2 qts/a | Apply while crop is dormant, or after a cutting before crop reaches 6″ in regrowth | Grasses & Broadleaves | Residual | |
Makaze (Glyphosate) | 1-2 qts/a | Applications can be made any time up to 5 days before a cutting. Refer to the label for further instructions. | Grasses & Broadleaves | Contact |
Disclaimer: All products and rates were provided by university-based sources and product labels. Always follow label instructions and consult your local chemical dealer and seed dealer before making any applications or planting of seed.
- Nurse Crops: Spring seeded alfalfa can be planted with a small grain nurse crop such as oats, barley, or spring triticale. Use 1/3 – ½ seeding rates of the nurse crop to avoid over competing with new alfalfa. Ex. 1 bushel of oats as a nurse crop vs. a full rate of 3 bushels.
- Nurse crops have little benefit to late summer/early fall seedings and are not recommended.
- Avoid pushing new alfalfa seedings too hard during the establishment year. 1-3 cuttings during the first year is acceptable, depending on growing conditions and region.
- Allow 3-4 weeks from the time of the last cutting until the average first frost date to allow alfalfa to regenerate reserves needed to survive winter and perform well the following year.