Cover Crop Mixes
Premium Graze

$2.00 lb

Cover Crop Mixes

Premium Graze

$2.00 lb

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Premium Graze is a blend of warm season grasses and forage brassicas that has been developed as a summer annual grazing system. It is also commonly used as a cover crop following early harvest of a small grain or spring forage. Premium Graze can be planted early in the summer and used as a rotational grazing system, or planted later in the summer and used for stockpiled fall and winter grazing.

The Cow Conditioner BMR sorghum sudangrass and millet in the mix provide high levels of dry matter production during the hot and dry summer months. The forage brassicas in the blend increase the overall protein content and digestibility of the diet. Brassicas also give the mix a good degree of cold tolerance and will remain green and lush long after the warm season grasses have been terminated by frost. This makes fall and winter grazing of Premium Graze an excellent balance of roughage from the grasses and protein from the brassicas.

Premium Graze is productive on a wide range of soil types including lighter soils. Being a warm season-based blend, it has excellent heat and drought tolerance. Premium Graze is commonly used as a replacement for our Optigraze mix if planting is delayed until early summer or if moisture outlook is poor.

This mix meets the NRCS standard cover crop requirements for CSP and EQIP Programs in South Dakota and Minnesota.

Drilled Seeding Rate | 15 lbs/acre

Mix Ratios

Mix Ratios

Millet 25%
Turnip 25%
Cow Conditioner™ 20%
Winfred Brassica 20%
Graza Radish 10%
These amounts are based on percentage of full seeding rate.

Product Guide


  • Planting Time: Late Spring – Mid Summer
    • The warm-season grasses in the mix need a minimum soil temperature of 60 degrees to germinate.
  • Drilled Seeding Rate: 15 lbs/acre
  • Ideal Seed Depth: ½” – ¾”
    • Seed can also be broadcasted and rolled or packed to gain seed to soil contact