Food Plot
Soybean Mix

$85.00 bag

Food Plot

Soybean Mix

$85.00 bag


50 lb bag

Total Price:

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Primal Soybeans will provide a high-quality food source for deer throughout the year. This mix of forage-type soybeans has excellent standability to combat harsh Midwest winters and are shatter resistant, retaining grain for deer to forage on. Glyphosate tolerant soybeans are ideal for reducing weed pressure in a rotation or establishing a new food plot.

Seeding Rate | 50 lbs/acre drilled or broadcast

Product Guide


  • Seeding Rate:50 lbs/acre drilled or broadcast
  • Seeding Depth: 1″ – 1 ½” deep
  • Package: 50 lb bags
  • Plant into a clean, firm seedbed when both drilling or broadcasting.
  • Planting Zones:
    • Zone 1: Late Spring, Early Summer (Soil temps > 60°)
    • Zone 2: Late Spring, Early Summer (Soil temps > 60°)
    • Zone 3: Late Spring, Early Summer (Soil temps > 60°)
    • Zone 4: Not Recommended

Food Plot Power™ Tip

Consider planting Primal Soybeans in wider rows to allow for a broadcast seeding of Final Stand in early fall. This will give you the benefits of both a green food source and late-season attractant in one plot.