Individual Species
Sugar Beets

$4.55 lb

Individual Species

Sugar Beets

$4.55 lb

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Sugar Beets are an irresistible source of energy and protein, containing foliage and roots that deer love. Sugar Beets work best when they are planted alone and perform best when drilled or broadcast into a clean, firm seedbed.

Seeding Rate | 8-10 lbs/acre drilled or broadcasted

*Seller will determine packaging*

Product Guide


  • Protein Content: Up to 35%
  • Seeding Rate: 8-10 lbs/ac drilled or broadcasted
  • Seed Depth: 1/2” deep
  • Plant into a clean, firm seedbed when both drilling or broadcasting
  • Planting Zones:
    • Zone 1: Spring, Early Summer
    • Zone 2: Spring, Early Summer
    • Zone 3: Late Spring, Early Summer
    • Zone 4: Not recommended