Individual Species
Radish (Cover Crop)

$75.00 bag

Individual Species

Radish (Cover Crop)

$75.00 bag


50 lb bag

Total Price:

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Radish is a quick maturing, attractive species designed to improve soil condition. Both leaves and roots are highly nutritious and have high levels of protein. Radish is cold tolerant and can be planted alone or added to a Primal seed blend to enhance attraction. Plant into a clean, firm seedbed.

Seeding Rate | 8-12 lbs/acre drilled or broadcasted | 1-2 lbs/acre when added to a mix

Product Guide


  • Protein Content: Up to 38%
  • Seeding Rate: 8-12 lbs/ac drilled or broadcast | Added to mix: 1-2 lbs/ac
  • Seed Depth: ¼” deep
  • Package: 50 lb bag
  • Plant into a clean, firm seedbed when both drilling or broadcasting
  • Planting Zones:
    • Zone 1: Late Summer
    • Zone 2: Late Summer, Early Fall
    • Zone 3: Fall
    • Zone 4: Not Recommended