
$5.60 lb



$5.60 lb


50 lb bag

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SalinityMax is a salt tolerant variety of alfalfa that was developed by selecting parent stock from saline seeps in the Dakotas. It expresses a degree of the branch root trait, which makes it more moisture tolerant than straight tap root varieties. SalinityMax has been used successfully in reclamation and hay field seedings in alkaline or saline areas and heavy “gumbo” soils where other varieties fail. We have found that SalinityMax is just as salt tolerant as many of the native and introduced wheatgrass species that are commonly planted in these areas. This presents a great opportunity to increase productivity on otherwise unproductive acres. Great yield and disease resistance make SalinityMax a complete package for alfalfa growers.

Seeding Rate | 15-20 lbs/acre

Product Guide


  • Planting Time:
    • Early Spring: After hard freezing conditions have ended
    • Late Summer/Early Fall: Allow 4-6 weeks of growth before the first hard frost
  • Seeding Rate: 15-20 lbs/acre
  • Ideal Seed Depth: ½”
    • Alfalfa should be drilled into a firm seedbed or broadcasted and packed