Sholty Alfalfa

$17.50 lb


Sholty Alfalfa

$17.50 lb


1 lb bag

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In 2019, the Sholty variety of yellow-flowered, or falcata, alfalfa became available on the market for the first time. Falcata alfalfas are popular for their drought hardiness, extreme longevity, and tolerance to grazing.

Sholty alfalfa will have superior yield compared to other yellow-flowered alfalfa varieties, as is well suited for delayed harvest management due to its ability to retain leaves after it has begun to flower. Sholty has also shown excellent ability to persist and compete with aggressive cool season grasses, such as crested wheatgrass. These traits make it a great choice for interseeding into existing grass or mixing with grasses in a new pasture seeding.

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