Native Mixes
Short & Showy Grass and Wildflower Mix

$175.00 acre

Native Mixes

Short & Showy Grass and Wildflower Mix

$175.00 acre


15 lb bag

Total Price:

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Short & Showy Grass and Wildflower Mix is a low-maintenance mixture of native grasses and wildflowers that works well on most sites. This mix will grow up to around 2.5′ in height and provide color throughout the growing season. The low maintenance durability of this mix makes it a perfect fit for every site from a steep shoreline to a backlot or property border.

Seeding Rate | 15 lbs/acre
Seeds per sq. ft: 57.3
If broadcasting seed, multiply the seeding rate times 1.5
If used in a commercial application, multiply the seeding rate times 2

*Seller will determine packaging*

Mix Ratios

Mix Ratios

Little Bluestem 24%
Sideoats Grama 21%
Black-Eyed Susan 7%
Plains Coreopsis 7%
Western Yarrow 7%
Blue Grama 7%
Prairie Coneflower 4%
Prairie Junegrass 4%
Foxglove Beardtongue 3%
Purple Prairie Clover 3%
Virginia Wildrye 3%
Other 10%
These amounts are based on percentage of full seeding rate. None of the following exceed 2% of the Total Mixture Weight: Blue Flax, Sand Dropseed, Lance-Leaved Coreopsis, Purple Coneflower, White Prairie Clover, Heath Aster, Blanketflower, Ohio Spiderwort

Product Guide


Seeding Rate: 15 lbs/acre
Seeds per sq. ft: 57.3
If broadcasting seed, multiply the seeding rate times 1.5
If used in a commercial application, multiply the seeding rate times 2


Download our Short & Showy Grass and Wildflower Mix Info Sheet!