Solar Seed Mixes
Solar Pollinator Buffer Mix

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Solar Seed Mixes

Solar Pollinator Buffer Mix

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Our Solar Pollinator Buffer Mix is an extremely diverse blend of legumes, native forbs, and grasses that will be an aesthetically pleasing addition to your solar project. With more freedom in height limitations, we can include species with different structures, heights, and blooming periods that will enhance pollinator benefit year-round. We know how important it is to satisfy the wide range of goals and specifications of each project and know how much benefit a good pollinator mix can help to achieve them.

Total Seeding Rate | 22 lbs/acre
Seeding Depth: 1/4″
Seeding Instructions: Drill into a firm, clean seedbed.

Mix Ratios

Mix Ratios

Solar Array Brand Fine Fescue Mix 48.78%
Little Bluesteam 7.32%
Sideoats Grama 7.32%
Crimson Clover 4.88%
Slender Wheatgrass 4.88%
Virginia Wildrye 4.88%
Illinois Bundleflower 2.44%
Indiangrass 2.44%
Partridge Pea 1.71%
Sand Dropseed 1.71%
Evening Primrose 1.46%
Indian Blanket 1.22%
Blue Grama 1.22%
Blanketflower 0.73%
Common Milkweed 0.73%
Mexican Red Hat Coneflower 0.66%
Golden Alexanders 0.49%
Grayhead Coneflower 0.49%
Hoary Vervain 0.49%
Lance-Leaved Coreopsis 0.49%
Pale Purple Coneflower 0.49%
Plains Coreopsis 0.49%
Prairie Coneflower 0.49%
Purple Coneflower 0.49%
Purple Prairie Clover 0.49%
White Prairie Clover 0.49%
Prairie Junegrass 0.49%
Brown Fox Sedge 0.49%
Black Eyed Susan 0.39%
Foxglove Beardtongue 0.24%
Gray Goldenrod 0.24%
Wild Bergamot 0.24%
Prairie Dropseed 0.24%
Field Oval Sedge 0.24%
Western Yarrow 0.12%
Heath Aster 0.02%
New England Aster 0.02%

Product Guide

Vegetation Management Planting Tip

You’ll dramatically increase your chance of a successful stand when technique, time of year, and proper site conditions are taken into consideration. Accurate seeding depth and rate are crucial in getting the project off on the right foot. When establishing any sort of perennial pollinator mix like the Pollinator Buffer, post-seeding will be crucial to establishing quick and successful results. The Millborn Vegetation Management  Team has an extensive background and over 25 years of knowledge – we are happy to help answer questions at any stage of your project.