Annual Forages
SorMax 110 Double Team™ Forage Sorghum


Annual Forages

SorMax 110 Double Team™ Forage Sorghum



With Safener

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SorMax 110 DT® is a forage sorghum with excellent yield, standability, and higher silage grain content than other hybrids in this class. This hybrid comes with the Double Team trait, which allows the use of FirstAct herbicide for in-crop grassy weed control. This technology provides growers control options that previously did not exist in sorghum for common problem weeds such as foxtail, barnyardgrass, sandbur, crabgrass, panicum, and more.

Double Team hybrids allow for superior control of Crabgrass, Volunteer Corn, Sandbur, Barnyardgrass, Texas Millet/Panicum, Foxtail and many more.

SorMax 110 DT® is a forage sorghum with excellent yield, standability, and higher silage grain content than other hybrids in this class. This hybrid comes with the Double Team trait, which allows the use of FirstAct herbicide for in-crop grassy weed control. This technology provides growers control options that previously did not exist in sorghum for common problem weeds such as foxtail, barnyardgrass, sandbur, crabgrass, panicum, and more.

Double Team hybrids allow for superior control of Crabgrass, Volunteer Corn, Sandbur, Barnyardgrass, Texas Millet/Panicum, Foxtail and many more.

Double Team Hybrids contain the DT trait, enabling step one of the Double Team Solution for superior control of Crabgrass, Volunteer Corn, Sandbur, Barnyardgrass, Texas Millet/Panicum, Foxtail, and many more.
Herbicide statement: Only Double Team™ Sorghum with the DT Trait works with FirstAct™ herbicide for superior grass weed control.

ALWAYS READ AND FOLLOW LABEL DIRECTIONS. To find more information on stewardship requirements for Double Team Sorghum visit

Product Guide

Weed Control

Double Team – First Act Grower Guide

DoubleTeam and FirstAct are trademarks of an ADAMA Group Company. DT is a registered trademark of S&W Seed Company. ©Copyright 2022, 2023 S&W Seed Company. All rights reserved.

Click here for more information about the Double Team ™ Sorghum Cropping Solution.