Annual Forages
Bale Boomer Teff Grass

$2.50 - $3.08 lb

Annual Forages

Bale Boomer Teff Grass

$2.50 - $3.08 lb

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Teff Grass is a warm-season annual grass that is commonly used for hay production or grazing. Teff has gained popularity due to its excellent forage quality and fast growth which allows for multiple cuttings during the growing season. Teff Grass is very fine stemmed and fine-bladed. This makes it extremely palatable to all classes of livestock, and crude protein levels of Teff hay are much higher than other grass hay options. Teff Grass is widely adapted to a range of soil types but does not do well in waterlogged soils or highly saline areas.

Drilled Seeding Rate | 8-10 lbs/acre

Product Guide


  • Planting Time: Late Spring – Mid Summer
    • Teff Grass needs a minimum soil temperature of 60-65 degrees to germinate. It is extremely sensitive to cold and a light frost will kill it.
  • Drilled Seeding Rate: 8-10 lbs/acre
  • Ideal Seed Depth: ¼”
  • Seedbed preparation is crucial with Teff Grass. It should be drilled or broadcast onto a firm seedbed absolutely no deeper than ½” much like alfalfa.