The Stockman

$5.25 lb


The Stockman

$5.25 lb


50 lb bag

Total Price:

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The Stockman is a top performing Alfalfa/Grass mixture with huge popularity among hay and livestock producers. We blend our highest yielding alfalfa – Final Answer – with late maturing orchardgrass and endophyte free tall forage fescue. These two grasses offer high forage yield and quality that pairs well with alfalfa. Using racehorse varieties of these grasses ensures that the hay produced throughout multiple cuttings will maintain a consistent alfalfa to grass ratio. Alfalfa/grass mixtures will have a longer stand life than straight alfalfa and will face less pressure from disease and pests. Dry down time is reduced by having grass in the mixture, which may be the biggest benefit to producers in higher rainfall regions. We made this blend because it’s how we feed our own livestock and we are confident that it has a place on your operation as well.

Seeding Rate | 15-20 lbs/acre

Mix Ratios

Mix Ratios

Final Answer Alfalfa 60%
Premium Late Maturing Orchardgrass 15%
Forage Tall Fescue 25%

Product Guide


  • Planting Time:
    • Early Spring: After hard freezing conditions have ended
    • Late Summer/Early Fall: Allow 4-6 weeks of growth before the first hard frost
  • Seeding Rate: 15-20 lbs/acre
  • Ideal Seed Depth: ½”
    • Seed should be drilled into a firm seedbed or broadcasted and packed.