Native Mixes
Tree Belt Mix

$135.00 acre

Native Mixes

Tree Belt Mix

$135.00 acre


15 lb bag

Total Price:

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Made of two native warm-season grasses and one native cool-season grass, MSI Tree Belt Mix is designed to provide cover between both newly planted and established tree rows. The mix will help prevent erosion, as well as provide wildlife cover throughout the year.

Mix Ratios

Mix Ratios

Sideoats Grama 50%
Blue Grama 35%
Prairie Junegrass 15%
These amounts are based on percentage of full seeding rate.

Product Guide


Drilled Seeding: Rate 15 lbs/acre*
Planting Depth: 1/2″

*If broadcasted, the seeding rate should be taken times 1.5.


Download our MSI Tree Belt Product Info Sheet!