Annual Forages
TriCal 718

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Annual Forages

TriCal 718

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TriCal 718 is a trusty triticale variety from TriCal Superior Forage. It offers medium-late maturity with great fall seedling vigor and a semi-erect fall growth habit. It has good winter-hardiness, excellent quality, and good straw strength. It is moderately tolerant of leaf rust. TriCal 718 breaks out of winter dormancy about one week later than wheat but is quick to recover and surpass wheat and most other forage cereals with dense green foliage. Get high silage yields from TriCal 718.

Call 605.627.1901 for details and to order this variety.

Product Guide

Product Details


  • Maturity: Medium-late
  • Key growing regions: Central and northern plains, adapted to southern and central plains
  • Height: will reach four to five feet
  • Awned or Awnless: Awnletted (very short beards)
  • Facultative or Winter: Winter
  • Harvest: Graze, silage, or hayed