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WB-Grainfield is a hard red winter wheat variety that offers growers excellent yield potential. Widely adapted from east to west, this variety provides very good tolerance to Stem Rust. Growers can rely on it for its excellent test weight, very good standability and milling and baking quality.
- Good drought tolerance
- Excellent yield potential
- Good tolerance to acidic soils
- Good disease tolerance package
Call 605.646.4225 for details and to order this variety.
Product Guide
Click here to view WB-GRAINFIELD tech sheet
- Test Weight: 2
- Straw Strength: N/A
- Relative Maturity: Medium-Late
- Plant Height: Medium-Tall
- Shatter: N/A
- Winter Hardiness: 3
- Alum. Tolerance: N/A
- Coleoptile Length: N/A
Rating scale: 1-2 = Excellent, 3-4 = Very Good, 5 = Good, 6-7 = Fair, 8-9 = Poor, N/A = Not Available
Coleoptile Length Rating Scale: 1 = Long, 9 = Short
Disease & Pest Resistance
- Stem Rust: 4
- Leaf Rust: 7
- Stripe Rust: 8
- Soil Borne Complex: 1
- BYDV: 6
- Leaf Blotch: 4
- Tan Spot: 5
- Powdery Mildew: 5
- Hessian Fly: 9
- Bacterial Leaf Disease: N/A
- Wheat Streak Mosaic: N/A
- FHB: 5
Rating scale: 1-2 = Excellent, 3-4 = Very Good, 5 = Good, 6-7 = Fair, 8-9 = Poor, N/A = Not Available