Windom SF
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Windom SF is a solid stem white wheat variety, defending against the wheat stem sawfly. Along with superior end-use quality, Windom SF provides resilient agronomics that make it a reliable choice. A few stand out characteristics include very good test weight, medium long coleoptile for deeper planting, very good frost tolerance, resistance to WSMV, stem solidness ratings averaging 16 over 12 locations, good resistance to hessian fly, excellent sprouting tolerance, and good tolerance to lower pH.
*Snowmass 2.0 is exclusively contracted with the Ardent Mills UltraGrain program.* Growers must have a signed contract before purchasing seed. PVP protected, certified seed only, no saved seed allowed.
Call 308.251.6884 to book this variety.
Product Guide
- Yield: Good
- Drought Tolerance: Good
- Milling Quality: Excellent
- Baking Quality: Excellent
- Straw Strength: Very Good
- Test Weight: Very Good
- Protein: Good
Rating Scale: Poor, Fair, Good, Very Good, Excellent
Pest & Disease Resistance
- Wheat Streak Mosaic: Very Good
- Stripe Rust: Good
- Leaf Rust: Fair
- Stem Rust: Excellent
Rating Scale: Poor, Fair, Good, Very Good, Excellent