Cover Crops
Winter Wonder

$0.80 lb

Cover Crops

Winter Wonder

$0.80 lb

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A trio of winter annuals, Winter Wonder will provide spring green-up from a grass, legume and brassica! This mix is designed with rye as the base and meets the NRCS standard cover crop requirements.

Available in a 50 lb, 1-acre bag or 2000 lb, 40-acre tote
Seeding Rate | 50 lbs/acre

Mix Ratios

Mix Ratios

Rye 50%
Winter Camelina 35%
Hairy Vetch 15%
These amounts are based on percentage of full seeding rate.

Product Guide


  • Planting Time: Late summer through fall
  • Full Mix Seeding Rate: 50 lbs/acre
  • Ideal Seed Depth: Broadcast: 0″  |  Drilled: 3/4″